switch case in c programming questions| switch case

4 min readAug 12, 2020


switch case c

switch case in c programming questions

Hello friends,

Today we will read what is switch case in c programming, how to use it in c programming, and will also see its excellent example. In the previous class, we had learned about the while-loop in c programming. If you have not read it yet, then please first read it, then read this post.

Let’s start

What is switch case in c programming

switch Statement: When we use a lot of if conditions in a c program, the program becomes very complex. Because of this, understanding and reading become very difficult. To avoid this difficulty, we use another Control A statement which is a switch. if Condition is a Two-way Condition Statement, the switch is a Multi-way Condition Statement. It works exactly as if-else statement.

Syntax of switch case in c language



Case1 constant: code1; break;

Case2 constant: code2; break;

Case3 constant: code3; break;

Case n constant: code n; break;

default case; code; break;


sequential statement a


Explanation: -

Function — This structure contains case1, case2 …… …case n expression or Variable, which is called case label. Colon (:) infusion is necessary after these. All these values ​​should be different. code 1, code 2, ……… code n is a group of n Statements. The middle brackets are not needed even if there is more than one statement in the groups of these statements. Even if these brackets are placed, the C Compiler does not cause any problems.

For execution of switch statement, first the value of the variable or expression is compared one by one with the case1, case2 …… case n in sequence and wherever these values ​​are found, execution of the statements written according to the case label it happens. In this structure, break; is written after all the code. It marks the end of a group of Statements and after the execution of the code moves the program control out of the switch statement to a sequential statement a. If this break; is not written, even after execution of the code, the program control switch remains inside the code and continues to execute the further statements. Until it finds a break; statement, it keeps executing the code of all the labels.

The default case label in the structure provided for the switch statement is an Optional Label. If it occurs in the switch statement and the value of Expression or Variable does not match any of the statements given in the switch statement, then Program Control goes to the default case label and executes the given statement under it. We can put the switch case labels in any order, that is, the case of the fourth position in the first place, the case in the first place in the third place. You can also place the default statement at any place.

Let’s see some best examples

Example 1:

Write a menu driven program with the following options:

· Addition

· Multiplication

· Subtraction

· Division

#include <stdio.h>


void main()


float x,y,z;

int choice;

printf(“\n1. click 1 for Addition”);

printf(“\n2. click 2 for multiplication”);

printf(“\n3. click 3 for subtraction”);

printf(“\n4. click 4 for division”);

printf(“\n Enter your choice”);




case 1:

printf(“Enter any two numbers”);



printf(“your sum is %f”,z);


case 2:

printf(“Enter any two numbers”);



printf(“your multiple is %f”,z);


case 3:

printf(“Enter any two numbers”);



printf(“your sum is %f”,z);


case 4:

printf(“Enter any two numbers”);



printf(“your sum is %f”,z);


default :

printf(“your choice is invelid”);




Example 2:

In this coding, Write a menu driven program with the following options:

  • · To find odd-even number
  • · To find first n natural numbers
  • · To find numbers are positive or negative

#include <stdio.h>


void main()


int x,y,z;

int choice;

printf(“\n1. click 1 To find odd-even numbers”);

printf(“\n2. click 2 To find first n natural numbers “);

printf(“\n3. click 3 To find numbers are positive or negative”);

printf(“\n Enter your choice”);




case 1:

printf(“Enter your number”);



(x=y)?printf(“the number is even”):

printf(“The number is odd”);


case 2:

printf(“Enter your number”);







case 3:

printf(“Enter your number”);


(0<=y)?printf(“the number is positive”):

printf(“The number is negative”);


default :

printf(“your choice is invelid”);





When you choose 1 option then it will tell you which number is odd and which number is even.

When you choose 2 option then it will tell you the first n natural numbers.

When you choose 3 option then it will tell you which number is positive and which number is negative.

Example 3.

In this program, I set a password and an ID. When I enter the correct iD then it asks for password and when I type the correct password then it prints welcome dear programmer.

#include <stdio.h>


int main() {

int ID = 500;

int password = 000;

printf(“Plese Enter Your ID:\n “);

scanf(“%d”, & ID);

switch (ID) {

case 500:

printf(“Enter your password:\n “);

scanf(“%d”, & password);

switch (password) {

case 000:

printf(“Welcome Dear Programmer\n”);



printf(“incorrect password”);





printf(“incorrect ID”);





Plese Enter Your ID:


Enter your password:


Welcome Dear Programmer

If you want to check all the coding online then you can go on this link (https://www.onlinegdb.com/online_c_compiler)

I hope, you understand the use of switch case in c programming very well. If you have any question related to switch case then you can ask in the comment

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